Braille Assistant
An Android app capable of recognising and translating braille in to English text in real time to assist a parent, guardian or teacher, who is not braille literate, to teach braille to a visually impaired person. The aim of the project was to reduce the barriers that block the visually impaired from learning braille and open up the learning of braille both at home and in school
Image Recognition
The purpose of this project was to develop a demo to be exhibited by Arm at various events and shows around the world. The aim was to show how machine learning (ML) models can be deployed on Cortex-M devices using CMSIS-NN. My main role was to implement an image pre-processing component which involved correcting the perspective and cropping the incoming video stream from the camera before passing the adapted feed to the ML model for classification.
Image Converter
A collection of scripts for creating header and source files for embedded graphics applications from Bitmaps, PNGs and JPEGs.
Personal Website
You're on it! Currently built using Gatsby and styled using Bootstrap 4 and SCSS. See the 'About' page for a more detailed description regarding my reason for making it.